LCF Scholarship

LCF Scholarship adalah program pemberian beasiswa kepada siswi/a Indonesia yang cemerlang namun memiliki keterbatasan ekonomi untuk dapat melanjutkan jenjang pendidikannya. Nantinya proses penentuan Scholar akan dilakukan melalui proses seleksi, baik secara akademis dan non-akademis. 

LCF berencana setiap tahunnya agar dapat memberikan 2 Scholarship kepada dua siswi/a, oleh karena itu LCF mengundang para donatur yang memiliki ketertarikan dengan program ini agar menghubungi LCF di littlecirclefoundation(at)


There is around 1186 students in Bali who cannot continue their education to the next level (most of them are elementary school students) because of financial reason. Their parents are simply too poor to able to send them to school.

With very little scholarhip opportunity available, Balinese young generations now really need our help to at least continue their study to senior high school level. With this campaign, my foundation and I would like to give scholarship to poor family in Bali who cannot send their kids to elementary - senior high school students. It is of course a very hard job to help these 1186 unlucky students. However, with this campaign's goal ($20,000) LCF would like to give scholarhips to 20 students as as short term goal.

Each scholar will be given around $1000. $500 will be given for them as school registration's fee (this is actually one of the main reasons why parents cannot send their kids schools), and the other $500 will be given later in the form of Book Allowance or Tuition Fees.

LCF is now rising fund for the ‪#‎teachAgirl‬ Project as part of the ‪#‎Nogirlleftbehind‬ Project. We are hoping to rise at least Rp. 25.000.000 to give scholarships for girls having financial disadvantages to go to school and to keep them pursuing their dreams.
Sebagai bagian dari #teachAgirl dan #Nogirlleftbehind project. LCF sekarang sedang melakukan penggalan dana minimal Rp.25.000.000 yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk memberikan beasiswa untuk anak perempuan Indonesia agar dapat melanjutkan pendidikan dan terus mengejar impiannya.

Please contact us at littlecirclefoundation(at)gmail(dot)com for more info.


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